Gender Differences in Acceptance and Attitudes towards an Invasive Medical Stent

Martina Ziefle, Anne Kathrin Schaar


In this research we investigate the role of gender for the acceptance of an invasive medical stent, assessing the expected benefits of using this medical technology as well as estimating potential barriers.  100 respondents of a wide age range (19-75 years) volunteered to take part in a survey.  Respondents were asked to imagine the prospective need and usage of an invasive medical stent (scenario technique) and to evaluate both, the usage motives as well as potential barriers towards the usage of invasive medical assistive technologies.  In order to understand the complex nature of acceptance of invasive medical technology, personal variables (especially gender, but also age and health status) and respondents’ general attitude towards technology (self-reported technical interest, literacy, handling competence and distrust in technology) were related to acceptance ratings.  Outcomes show that gender is a decisive factor for the acceptance of the invasive medical stent.  Women tended to weigh perceived usage barriers as more crucial for technology’s acceptability than the expected benefits.  Also it was found that (female) participants’ concerns are based on a lot of misconceptions and false information about invasive medical technology.

Overall, it was revealed that acceptance issues should be seriously considered in order to proactively design a successful rollout of medical technologies and to apply a sensitive, objective and transparent information and communication concept.

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